Masamichi Amano
Battle Royale II

Masamichi Amano - Battle Royale II

  • Release date: 2003
  • Genre: Soundtrack
  • Format: CD
  • Category: soundtrack
  • Duration: 1:15:06
  • not rated
  • Added May 5, 2007


1. The Fight for Tomorrownot rated5:01
2. The Fight for Tomorrow Part 2not rated0:38
3. Requiemnot rated2:27
4. Wild Seven Declaring warnot rated1:08
5. The Time to Attacknot rated4:35
6. Shikanotoride 3Bnot rated1:50
7. The Countdown to Terrornot rated3:03
8. Injured Teammatesnot rated2:08
9. Getting Weapons, and the Death of Shugonot rated5:46
10. Nanahara Shuya's Fightnot rated2:17
11. Messagenot rated7:12
12. Minesnot rated2:06
13. The Justice of a Rulernot rated0:59
14. Encountering Tragediesnot rated5:47
15. Friends Forevernot rated1:05
16. Landing Plannot rated3:21
17. The Song of the Warriorsnot rated3:01
18. Teacher and Student Part 2not rated3:30
19. The Glory of the Resistancenot rated3:24
20. Farewell to the Pianonot rated2:59
21. Epiloguenot rated5:01
22. Stance Punks - Mayanoka Shounen Totsugeki Dannot rated7:39

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