Mark McKenzie
The Disappearance of Garcia Lorca

Mark McKenzie - The Disappearance of Garcia Lorca

  • Release date: 1997
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 55:04
  • **** 1/2
  • Added May 27, 2012
  • Rated May 27, 2012


1. For Love of a Poet (Overture)not rated5:27
2. Main Titlenot rated3:20
3. Ricardo's Themenot rated1:02
4. Trapped Inside My Memoriesnot rated1:07
5. I Want To Feel Your Worknot rated1:36
6. A Thunderstorm Is Brewingnot rated3:13
7. Elegy For Jorgenot rated2:07
8. Blood of A Poetnot rated2:32
9. Marie Eugenia's Themenot rated0:59
10. The Crumbing Sound of Daisiesnot rated1:45
11. A Coffin of Wheels Was His Bednot rated1:27
12. I Invented Some Wings For Flyingnot rated2:34
13. I Sing His Elegancenot rated3:12
14. Five In The Shadow of The Afternoonnot rated1:42
15. Five By All Clocks In The Afternoonnot rated3:19
16. Butterfly of Your Kissnot rated2:35
17. Death Callingnot rated2:28
18. Where Is My Moon? (Lorca Elegy)not rated3:58
19. Federico Garcia Lorca Orchestral Suitenot rated10:41

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