Various artists
Celtic Skies

Various artists - Celtic Skies

  • Release date: 2012
  • Genre: Irish Celtic
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 1:00:14
  • *****
  • Added May 10, 2012
  • Played May 16, 2012
  • Rated May 10, 2012


1. Andrea Corr - She Moved Through the Fairnot rated5:07
2. Moya Brennan - Down By the Salley Gardensnot rated4:19
3. Rebecca Watson - Oh Danny Boynot rated3:38
4. Joanna Eden - Black Is the Colournot rated5:02
5. Lumiere, Pauline Scanlon, Eilis Kennedy - The Last Rose of Summernot rated2:44
6. Damien Dempsey - Rare Ould Timesnot rated5:21
7. Joanna Eden - Heart of My Homelandnot rated4:19
8. Ben Thapa - Bonnie Banks of Loch Lomondnot rated3:37
9. Celtic Skies Ensemble - Mountains of Mourne (Instrumental)not rated3:51
10. Rebecca Watson - Flower of Scotlandnot rated4:04
11. Ben Thapa - My Ain Folknot rated3:25
12. Joanna Eden - Water Is Widenot rated4:15
13. Celtic Skies Ensemble - Foggy Dew (Instrumental)not rated4:29
14. Joanna Eden - Hills of the Dawnnot rated3:44
15. Rebecca Watson - Auld Lang Synenot rated2:19

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