Mark Isham
Once Upon A Time

Mark Isham - Once Upon A Time

  • Release date: 2012
  • Genre: Soundtrack
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 1:02:43
  • ****
  • Added May 16, 2012
  • Played May 16, 2012
  • Rated May 16, 2012


1. Once Upon A Time Orchestral Suitenot rated4:13
2. Henry’s Proposalnot rated1:17
3. The Queen’s Cursenot rated2:46
4. Jiminy Cricketnot rated3:11
5. Dealing With Rumplestiltskinnot rated3:27
6. Belle’s Storynot rated2:37
7. Dwarvesnot rated2:45
8. The Huntsmannot rated4:31
9. Things Are Changing In Storybrookenot rated1:48
10. Cinderellanot rated1:44
11. Wedding Dancenot rated1:21
12. Advising Ashleynot rated2:26
13. If The Shoe Fitsnot rated1:35
14. Unhappy Endingsnot rated3:47
15. Emma And Henrynot rated1:43
16. The Sirennot rated5:08
17. The Man With The Wooden Boxnot rated1:11
18. Hope Will Returnnot rated1:49
19. Rumplestiltskin In Lovenot rated2:19
20. The Genie’s Wishesnot rated1:58
21. The Road To True Lovenot rated2:50
22. The Family Compassnot rated2:00
23. Burn The Witchnot rated2:34
24. What The Queen Loves Mostnot rated2:30
25. The Clock Movesnot rated1:13

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