Mark McKenzie
Warlock: The Armageddon

Mark McKenzie - Warlock: The Armageddon

  • Release date: 1993
  • Genre: Soundtrack
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 40:53
  • ***
  • Added June 5, 2012
  • Played June 5, 2012
  • Rated June 5, 2012


1. Soundtrack - The Battle Has Begunnot rated4:59
2. Benson - Swimmingnot rated2:10
3. Soundtrack - Birth of the Warlocknot rated3:17
4. Soundtrack - Ken's Magicnot rated3:14
5. Soundtrack - May I Help You Sir?not rated3:36
6. Soundtrack - Give Me the Stonesnot rated2:34
7. Soundtrack - Samanthanot rated2:11
8. Soundtrack - Party Crashernot rated2:26
9. Soundtrack - Samantha Becomes a Warriornot rated2:36
10. Soundtrack - Ken's New Lifenot rated4:09
11. Soundtrack - Warlock Gathers the Stonesnot rated2:16
12. Soundtrack - Armageddon Avertednot rated3:22
13. Soundtrack - A Warlock Fantasianot rated4:03

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