Dimitri Tiomkin
The long night

Dimitri Tiomkin - The long night

  • Release date: 2010
  • Genre: Soundtrack
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 1:09:42
  • not rated
  • Added March 29, 2012
  • Played March 29, 2012


1. Main titlenot rated1:36
2. A shot is firednot rated0:34
3. A crowd gathersnot rated0:43
4. What happened Joenot rated2:17
5. How can i explain...not rated1:47
6. Welcome homenot rated1:02
7. The dressnot rated5:03
8. You're not jealous, are younot rated2:17
9. Al King's junglenot rated0:39
10. Introducing Caarlene!not rated0:21
11. 'Over the waves'not rated1:11
12. A house of cardsnot rated1:23
13. A real Smoothie from way backnot rated1:46
14. Max's menagerienot rated1:25
15. Jungle jumpnot rated0:57
16. Ready for anothernot rated1:17
17. 'Come out wherever you are'not rated2:02
18. Joe and Teddy - The chief - Photographsnot rated4:13
19. Charlie's roomnot rated1:05
20. Charlie's nightmaresnot rated3:32
21. 'Wishing'not rated1:37
22. Max's mendacitynot rated1:41
23. Levitationnot rated0:56
24. Jo Ann assistsnot rated2:51
25. Bus meeting - Buying gardeniasnot rated1:46
26. Romeo and Juliet - Airport dinernot rated1:59
27. Unwanted affectionnot rated1:42
28. Christmas presentnot rated0:46
29. Slide shownot rated0:47
30. A little white lienot rated0:44
31. Reassurancenot rated2:17
32. You're giving me your dreamsnot rated1:10
33. Like a white rosebud in the morning dewnot rated2:44
34. Everyone tells lies sometimesnot rated0:46
35. Jo Ann's desperate pleanot rated0:46
36. The day of the killingnot rated3:27
37. Shooting Maxnot rated1:16
38. Tortuous voicesnot rated4:25
39. Finalenot rated2:03
40. End castnot rated0:49

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