Cynthia Millar
Three Wishes

Cynthia Millar - Three Wishes

  • Release date: 1995
  • Genre: Soundtrack
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 57:00
  • *****
  • Added March 27, 2012
  • Played March 27, 2012
  • Rated March 27, 2012


1. The Magic Beginsnot rated3:09
2. Tom Remebersnot rated1:45
3. The Magic Comes Closernot rated1:40
4. The Highwaynot rated1:14
5. Betty Jane Appearsnot rated1:25
6. Hide And Seeknot rated1:29
7. Jacknot rated1:46
8. Left Outnot rated1:13
9. Journalnot rated1:11
10. Jack's Lifenot rated2:30
11. Philnot rated1:04
12. Explorersnot rated2:35
13. In The Yardnot rated0:37
14. Monsternot rated1:40
15. Catchnot rated1:24
16. Gunnynot rated2:49
17. Father's Daynot rated2:05
18. Bad Newsnot rated1:59
19. Home Runnot rated1:11
20. Lovenot rated3:30
21. Light Creaturenot rated0:54
22. Jack's Cast Comes Offnot rated1:14
23. Coachnot rated1:33
24. Gunny's Wishnot rated1:32
25. Jack's Wishnot rated1:23
26. Jack And Jeannenot rated2:32
27. Gunny Fliesnot rated2:00
28. Homecomingnot rated2:01
29. Tom Gets His Wishnot rated2:41
30. End Creditsnot rated4:54

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