Christopher Wong
The Rebel

Christopher Wong - The Rebel

  • Release date: 2007
  • Genre: Soundtrack
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 52:26
  • not rated
  • Added January 4, 2012
  • Played January 4, 2012


1. A Letter to the Peoplenot rated1:41
2. The Assassinationnot rated3:19
3. Prison Breaknot rated2:59
4. Shower and Winenot rated2:08
5. Execution Linenot rated3:03
6. Opium Housenot rated4:03
7. Escaping from the Armynot rated2:17
8. Arrival at the Campnot rated1:03
9. Beating the Crippled Mannot rated2:02
10. Motorcycle Escapenot rated2:10
11. If We Could Forget Who We Arenot rated4:49
12. Cat and Mousenot rated4:13
13. Village Gunbattle - Attacking the Trainnot rated8:29
14. Cuong vs. Synot rated5:05
15. The Rebelnot rated5:05

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