David Amos
Dello Joio - Symphonic Suite Air Power - Gould - Holocaust Suite

David Amos - Dello Joio - Symphonic Suite Air Power - Gould - Holocaust Suite

  • Genre: Classical
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 1:05:31
  • not rated
  • Added November 11, 2011
  • Played November 11, 2011


1. Norman Dello Joio - Symphonic Suite "Air Power" - Introduction and Main Themenot rated2:44
2. Norman Dello Joio - Symphonic Suite "Air Power" - Frolics of the Early Days: Parade of the Daredevilsnot rated2:03
3. Norman Dello Joio - Symphonic Suite "Air Power" - Frolics of the Early Days: Skylarkingnot rated1:57
4. Norman Dello Joio - Symphonic Suite "Air Power" - Frolics of the Early Days: The Sport Meetnot rated2:38
5. Norman Dello Joio - Symphonic Suite "Air Power" - Mission in the Sky: Alertnot rated1:11
6. Norman Dello Joio - Symphonic Suite "Air Power" - Mission in the Sky: Take Offnot rated2:02
7. Norman Dello Joio - Symphonic Suite "Air Power" - Mission in the Sky: Air Battlenot rated2:26
8. Norman Dello Joio - Symphonic Suite "Air Power" - Mission in the Sky: Safe Returnnot rated3:58
9. Norman Dello Joio - Symphonic Suite "Air Power" - War Scenes: March of the German Legionsnot rated3:57
10. Norman Dello Joio - Symphonic Suite "Air Power" - War Scenes: The Lonely Pilot's Letter Homenot rated3:09
11. Norman Dello Joio - Symphonic Suite "Air Power" - War Scenes: Russian Soldier Dancenot rated2:03
12. Norman Dello Joio - Symphonic Suite "Air Power" - War Scenes: Convoy and Wolf Pack Attacknot rated4:28
13. Norman Dello Joio - Symphonic Suite "Air Power" - War Scenes: Japanese Prayer to Victorynot rated3:01
14. Norman Dello Joio - Symphonic Suite "Air Power" - War Scenes: The American Liberatorsnot rated5:02
15. Morton Gould - Holocaust Suite: Main Themenot rated3:13
16. Morton Gould - Holocaust Suite: Crystal Nightnot rated6:02
17. Morton Gould - Holocaust Suite: Berta and Joseph's Themenot rated3:24
18. Morton Gould - Holocaust Suite: Babi Yarnot rated4:06
19. Morton Gould - Holocaust Suite: Warsaw Ghetto Surrender and Finalenot rated4:44
20. Morton Gould - Holocaust Suite: Elegynot rated3:23

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