John Williams
Harry Potter & The Philosopher's Stone ~ DeLuxe Edition

John Williams - Harry Potter & The Philosopher's Stone ~ DeLuxe Edition

  • Release date: 2011
  • Genre: Soundtrack
  • Format: FLAC
  • Duration: 2:34:06
  • *****
  • Added November 4, 2011
  • Played November 4, 2011
  • Rated November 4, 2011


1. Prologuenot rated4:25
2. Visit to the Zoonot rated2:56
3. Letters from Hogwartsnot rated3:38
4. Hagrid's Arrivalnot rated1:20
5. You're a Wizard, Harry!not rated3:16
6. Diagon Alleynot rated4:35
7. Mr. Ollivander's Wand Shopnot rated2:03
8. Dark Times (Hagrid's Flashback)not rated2:50
9. Platform 9¾not rated2:37
10. Chocolate Frogsnot rated0:47
11. Arrival at Hogwarts & The Great Hallnot rated3:57
12. The Sorting Hatnot rated3:26
13. The Banquetnot rated3:38
14. Lonely first Nightnot rated1:03
15. Mail Drop & Broom Lessonnot rated5:01
16. Moving Stairs & Third Floornot rated2:28
17. Introducing Quidditch & The Feathernot rated2:02
18. Fighting the Trollnot rated3:57
19. Quidditch!not rated9:37
20. Cast a Christmas Spellnot rated2:08
21. Christmas Morning & The Mirror of Erisednot rated10:41
1. Light Readingnot rated1:06
2. Norwegian Ridgebacknot rated1:36
3. Filch remembersnot rated1:28
4. The dark Forestnot rated5:11
5. Running to McGonagallnot rated2:10
6. Fluffy's Harpnot rated2:22
7. The Devil's Snare & Flying Keysnot rated4:12
8. The Chess Gamenot rated5:38
9. Checkmatenot rated1:58
10. The Face of Lord Voldemortnot rated6:05
11. Love, Harrynot rated1:40
12. Leaving Hogwartsnot rated4:44
13. End Creditsnot rated5:23
14. Warner Brothers Logo (Alternate)not rated0:16
15. Lonely first Night (Alternate)not rated1:04
16. Hedwig's Theme (Alternate Suite)not rated2:09
17. The Leaky Cauldron (Source)not rated1:08
18. Christmas Music Box (Unused)not rated1:07
19. Hagrid plays the Flute (Source)not rated0:40
20. Hedwig's Theme (Album Suite)not rated5:01
21. Theme Suitenot rated16:43
22. Coca Cola Advertnot rated1:00
23. ... Things to comenot rated4:38

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