Elmer Bernstein
D-DAY and Other Unreleased Film & TV music

Elmer Bernstein - D-DAY and Other Unreleased Film & TV music

  • Genre: Blues
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 1:18:39
  • not rated
  • Added October 29, 2011
  • Played October 29, 2011


1. D-Day - Main Titlenot rated0:40
2. D-Day - Preparationnot rated0:32
3. D-Day - Trainingnot rated0:55
4. D-Day - Move to the Seanot rated1:21
5. D-Day - Armadanot rated1:00
6. D-Day - Nearing the Beachesnot rated0:38
7. D-Day - Finale - ETnot rated1:15
8. 1951 - Saturdays Hero MTETnot rated2:00
9. 1952 - Boots Malone MTETnot rated1:55
10. 1952 - Sudden Fear MTETnot rated2:42
11. 1952 - Battles Chief Pontiac MTETnot rated1:28
12. 1953 - Never Wave At A Wac MTETnot rated1:55
13. 1953 - Robot Monster MTETnot rated2:42
14. 1953 - Cat Women of the Moon MTETnot rated1:32
15. 1956 - The Naked Eye MTnot rated1:10
16. 1959 - The Miracle MTETnot rated2:27
17. 1959 - Riverboat ETnot rated1:05
18. 1960 - Rat Race Suitenot rated3:58
19. 1962 - Walk On the Wild Side MTnot rated2:46
20. 1963 - Ray Bradbury - MTETnot rated1:25
21. 1963 - Hud MTnot rated2:03
22. 1968 - I Love You Alice B Toklas MTnot rated3:50
23. 1971 - Doctors Wives MTnot rated2:25
24. 1971 - Blind Terror MTnot rated1:55
25. 1971 - Owen Marshall MTnot rated0:55
26. 1972 - The Amazing Mr Blunden ETnot rated1:20
27. 1972 - Showdown at OK Corral MTET (Appointment with Destiny)not rated1:21
28. 1972 - Arthur of the Britons MTnot rated0:34
29. 1973 - Incident On a Dark Street MTnot rated3:32
30. 1975 - Ellery Queen MTETnot rated1:33
31. 1976 - The Incredible Sarah MTnot rated2:12
32. 1976 - Once an Eagle MTETnot rated1:45
33. 1978 - Animal House Intronot rated2:32
34. 1981 - Honky Tonk Freeway ETnot rated3:05
35. 1981 - Today's FBI ETnot rated1:10
36. 1981 - The Chosen - Themenot rated2:25
37. 1983 - Class ETnot rated2:35
38. 1988 - The Good Mother ETnot rated5:11
39. 1992 - A River Runs Through It Themenot rated1:12
40. 2004 - Cecil B DeMille MTnot rated0:48
41. 2004 - Cecil B DeMille ET1-2not rated2:50

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