Ennio Morricone
Days Of Heaven

Ennio Morricone - Days Of Heaven

  • Release date: 2011
  • Genre: Soundtrack
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 2:16:17
  • *****
  • Added August 17, 2011
  • Played August 18, 2011
  • Rated August 18, 2011


1. Camille Saint-Saëns - Aquarium (le carnaval des animaux)not rated2:05
2. Linda Manz - We used to do thingsnot rated0:48
3. Leo Kottke - Enderlinnot rated3:15
4. Harvestnot rated3:00
5. Threshingnot rated2:05
6. Happinessnot rated2:14
7. The honeymoonnot rated1:26
8. Doug Kershaw - Swamp dancenot rated3:34
9. The returnnot rated2:32
10. The chasenot rated2:00
11. The firenot rated7:48
12. Ashes & dustnot rated2:18
13. Days of heavennot rated3:30
14. Main theme (7M1 tk 8)not rated1:03
15. The farmer and the girl (theme 18 - Piano version)not rated1:54
16. In the field (theme 5 long version, cf. Harvest)not rated3:00
17. Bad news (3M1 tk 3)not rated2:36
18. Non-stop work (2M1 2nd part)not rated0:37
19. Main theme (2M1 1st part)not rated1:20
20. Bad news (4M3)not rated0:37
21. After wedding (5M2 2nd part)not rated0:57
22. Empty house (5M3, cf. the honeymoon)not rated1:25
23. On the road (1M2 for 5M4)not rated1:42
24. They should leave (6M1, cf. ashes & dust)not rated2:18
25. On the road (8M1 long version, cf. happiness)not rated2:15
26. Bill returns (8M2, cf. the return)not rated2:31
27. The locusts and fire (9M1, cf. the fire)not rated7:31
28. The farmer and the girl (11M3 2nd version)not rated2:28
29. His death (5M2 1st part)not rated1:29
30. The farmer and the girl (10M3, cf. days of heaven)not rated2:46
1. 1M1 (main title)not rated2:00
2. 1M2 (train ride)not rated1:44
3. 1M3 (main theme)not rated1:48
4. Theme 18 (love theme, long version)not rated1:22
5. 2M1 1st part (main theme, alternate take)not rated1:20
6. 2M2 (main theme)not rated0:54
7. 2M3 (threshing, alternate mix)not rated2:05
8. 3M1 (bad news, longer version)not rated2:42
9. 3M2 (work theme)not rated1:47
10. 3M3 (love theme)not rated0:59
11. 4M1 (intro to love theme, 2 versions)not rated0:39
12. 5M1 (love theme)not rated1:17
13. 5M2 (insect noises with main theme)not rated1:44
14. 5M3 (the honeymoon, with piano)not rated1:26
15. 6M1 (intro to love theme - Ashes to dust)not rated2:42
16. 6M27M27M3 (suspense theme - Main theme, 2 versions)not rated2:28
17. 8M1 long version (happiness)not rated2:16
18. 8M2 (the return, piano version)not rated2:33
19. Ghost voicesnot rated2:34
20. 9M1 (the fire)not rated7:32
21. 10M1 (pursuit theme)not rated1:26
22. 10M2 (the killing)not rated1:06
23. 10M3 (days of heaven)not rated2:47
24. 11M1 version 1 (the chase)not rated2:01
25. 11M1 version 2 (love theme)not rated2:07
26. 11M2 (main theme)not rated1:03
27. 11M3 version 2 (main theme)not rated2:37
28. 11M3 version 1 (love theme)not rated2:33
29. 4M2 (intro to love theme) (bonus track)not rated0:18
30. 5M2 1st track (insect noises with main theme, alternate) (bonus track)not rated1:51
31. 5M2 2nd track (main theme, 1st mix) (bonus track)not rated1:23
32. 5M2 2nd track (main theme, 2nd mix) (bonus track)not rated1:22
33. Theme 18 (love theme, short version) (bonus track)not rated0:47

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