Philip Fowkes
Warsaw Concerto & otherPiano Concertos from the Movies

Philip Fowkes - Warsaw Concerto & otherPiano Concertos from the Movies

  • Release date: 1998
  • Genre: SoundTrack
  • Format: FLAC
  • Duration: 1:04:16
  • *****
  • Added July 8, 2011
  • Played July 8, 2011
  • Rated July 8, 2011


1. Warsaw Concerto - Richard Addinsellnot rated9:08
2. Portrait of Isla - Jack Beavernot rated4:42
3. Spellbound Concerto - Miklos Rozsanot rated11:58
4. Legend of the Glass Mountain - Nino Rotanot rated4:01
5. Murder on the Orient Express - R R Bennetnot rated5:45
6. Cornish Rhapsody - Hubert Bathnot rated6:04
7. Concerto Macabre (Hangover Square) - Herrmannnot rated11:59
8. Dream of Olwen - Charles Williamsnot rated5:00
9. Midnight on the Cliffs - Leonard Pennarionot rated5:35

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