Richard Rodney Bennett
Nicholas and Alexandra

Richard Rodney Bennett - Nicholas and Alexandra

  • Release date: 1972
  • Genre: Soundtrack
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 38:48
  • *** 1/2
  • Added July 13, 2011
  • Played July 13, 2011
  • Rated July 13, 2011


1. Side 1- Overturenot rated2:15
2. Side 1- Nicholas and Alexandranot rated1:24
3. Side 1- The Royal Childrennot rated1:23
4. Side 1- The Royal Palacenot rated0:59
5. Side 1- The Sunshine Daysnot rated3:16
6. Side 1- Alexandranot rated1:12
7. Side 1- The Romanov Tercentenarynot rated0:51
8. Side 1- Lenin in Exilenot rated1:19
9. Side 1- The Princessesnot rated2:16
10. Side 1- The Breakthrourghnot rated2:31
11. Side 1- The Declaration Of Warnot rated2:50
12. Side 2- Entractenot rated2:38
13. Side 2- The Journey To The Frontnot rated1:03
14. Side 2- Military Marchnot rated2:38
15. Side 2- Rapoutin's Deathnot rated1:27
16. Side 2- The People's Revoltnot rated1:17
17. Side 2- Alexandra Alonenot rated1:08
18. Side 2- Farewellsnot rated2:26
19. Side 2- Dancing in The Snownot rated1:09
20. Side 2- Departure From Tobolsknot rated1:27
21. Side 2- Elegynot rated1:36
22. Side 2- Epiloguenot rated1:43

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