John Williams
Madrid Concert

John Williams - Madrid Concert

  • Release date: 2011
  • Genre: Classical
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 1:24:51
  • *****
  • Added July 13, 2011
  • Played July 13, 2011
  • Rated July 13, 2011


1. Jaws - Main Themenot rated2:15
2. Raiders of the Lost Ark - Marchnot rated5:06
3. Harry Potter - Hedwig's Themenot rated5:04
4. Harry Potter - Philosopher's Stonenot rated3:39
5. Harry Potter - Nimbus 2000not rated2:24
6. Harry Potter - Harry's Wondrous Worldnot rated4:10
7. Jurassic Park - Main Themenot rated5:32
8. The Lost World - Main Themenot rated3:40
1. Star Wars - Main Titlenot rated5:40
2. Star Wars - Princess Leia's Themenot rated4:18
3. Star Wars - The Cantina Bandnot rated2:00
4. Star Wars - The Imperial Marchnot rated3:18
5. Star Wars - Yoda's Themenot rated3:11
6. Star Wars - The Flag Paradenot rated3:16
7. Star Wars - Anakin's Themenot rated2:57
8. Star Wars - The Adventures of Jar-Jarnot rated3:23
9. Star Wars - Duel of the Fatesnot rated4:20
10. Star Wars - Across the Starsnot rated5:43
11. Star Wars - Battle of the Heroesnot rated4:10
12. Encore - Duel of the Fatesnot rated4:13
13. Encore - Hymn to the Fallennot rated6:32

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