CD1 |
1. The Karate Kid | not rated | 5:01 |
2. Avatar - War | not rated | 7:42 |
3. The Boy in The Strpped Pygamas | not rated | 4:08 |
4. Troy | not rated | 6:11 |
5. A Beautifull Mind | not rated | 5:31 |
6. Deep Impact | not rated | 4:22 |
7. The Mask of Zoro | not rated | 6:16 |
8. Titanic - My Heart will Go On | not rated | 4:29 |
9. Titanic - Thake Her To Sea, Mr Murdoch | not rated | 4:27 |
10. Ransom | not rated | 5:15 |
11. Apollo 13 | not rated | 3:03 |
12. Braveheart - For the Love of a Princess | not rated | 4:15 |
13. Braveheart - End Tittles | not rated | 7:06 |
14. Legend of the Fall | not rated | 7:19 |
| 1:15:05 |
CD2 |
1. The Man Without a Face - Lookout Point, End Tittles | not rated | 9:57 |
2. We're back, A Dinosaur' Story | not rated | 4:38 |
3. Patriot Games | not rated | 3:42 |
4. The Rocketeer - To The rescue, End Credits | not rated | 7:33 |
5. Glory - Charging Fort Wagner | not rated | 3:01 |
6. Glory - End Credits | not rated | 6:41 |
7. Willow | not rated | 3:53 |
8. The Land Before Time | not rated | 6:13 |
9. Aliens - Prelude, Ripley Rescue | not rated | 5:54 |
10. Cocoon | not rated | 7:24 |
11. Star Trek III - The Seach for Spock | not rated | 3:36 |
12. Star Treck II - The wrath of Khan | not rated | 5:50 |
13. Bettle Beyond The Stars | not rated | 4:06 |
| 1:12:28 |
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