Hugo Friedhofer
Two Flags West

Hugo Friedhofer - Two Flags West

  • Genre: Soundtrack
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 58:24
  • ** 1/2
  • Added June 9, 2011
  • Played June 9, 2011
  • Rated June 9, 2011


1. Main Title~Frontier Themenot rated3:05
2. Mike Phillips~Vocals Johnny Horton - 'North To Alaska'not rated2:49
3. The Broken Southnot rated3:49
4. Lionel Newman - Go Homenot rated1:49
5. The Majornot rated3:06
6. Lionel Newman - Angel's Themenot rated3:20
7. I Can't Let You Gonot rated2:42
8. Lionel Newman - Scenic Viewnot rated2:11
9. Frustrationnot rated2:12
10. Lionel Newman - 'Night Of Love'not rated1:19
11. Dream Of Homenot rated5:34
12. Lionel Newman - Baked Alaskanot rated1:50
13. The Fortnot rated4:52
14. Lionel Newman - Love In The Airnot rated2:49
15. Satanknot rated5:42
16. Lionel Newman - Northern Lightsnot rated1:49
17. Grim Dawnnot rated3:00
18. Russell Faith~Robert P Maroucci~Peter DeAngelis~Fabian Vocals - 'If You Knew'not rated1:30
19. Finalenot rated2:43
20. Lionel Newman~Music By Theo A. Matz~Lyrics~Joe Hayden - End Title (A Hot Time In The Old Town)not rated2:13

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