Immediate Music

Immediate Music - Trailerhead:Saga

  • Release date: 2010
  • Genre: Trailer Music
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 48:57
  • *****
  • Added July 5, 2011
  • Played July 6, 2011
  • Rated July 5, 2011


1. Hymnus Orbisnot rated1:27
2. Glory Seekernot rated3:21
3. Libertasnot rated3:52
4. Invictusnot rated3:16
5. Oratio Sanctusnot rated3:55
6. Emergence of Empirenot rated3:02
7. In League With Cerberusnot rated3:13
8. Darkness on the Edge of Powernot rated3:01
9. Ashes of Warnot rated4:08
10. World on a Stringnot rated3:56
11. Salvation for a Proud Nationnot rated5:48
12. Fatum Plebisnot rated3:13
13. Darkness on the Edge of Power (Live)not rated1:53
14. Surrender to Hopenot rated4:52

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