John Morris

John Morris - Yellowbeard

  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 52:06
  • ***
  • Added November 19, 2010
  • Played November 19, 2010
  • Rated November 19, 2010


1. Overturenot rated2:22
2. Assault On El Nebulosonot rated2:53
3. Court Of Queen Annenot rated0:35
4. Escape Form The Prisonnot rated1:29
5. They're All Dead, Mr. Moonnot rated0:48
6. Blind Pewnot rated1:20
7. Portsmouthnot rated1:43
8. Dan's Kidnapped - Later That Nightnot rated1:27
9. Into The Seanot rated0:58
10. Captain Hughesnot rated0:40
11. Commander Clemen's Royal Naval Frigate Vs.not rated4:07
12. The Mutinynot rated1:36
13. Captain Dannot rated2:26
14. Battle At Seanot rated2:59
15. Happy Life Aboardnot rated0:43
16. The Islandnot rated1:11
17. The Jungle - The Ambushnot rated2:20
18. Dan Trapped Again - Fight On The Beachnot rated0:45
19. Love And Torturenot rated1:45
20. Attack On Nebuloso's Fortressnot rated2:25
21. Duel With Mr. Moonnot rated2:56
22. Treasure Huntersnot rated1:00
23. Death Of Captain Yellowbeardnot rated0:50
24. Prisoners Again - Yellowbeard Returns - End Creditsnot rated3:05
25. End Creditsnot rated2:37
26. End Creditsnot rated2:37
27. The Evil Mr. Moonnot rated2:42
28. El Nebuloso's Songnot rated0:53
29. Fanfare Inot rated0:12
30. Fanfare IInot rated0:11
31. Fanfare IIInot rated0:31

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