Ron Jones
Star Trek: The Next Generation - The Ron Jones Project (Disc 12)

Ron Jones - Star Trek: The Next Generation - The Ron Jones Project (Disc 12)

  • Release date: 2010
  • Genre: Game/Other
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 1:14:13
  • ****
  • Added October 20, 2010
  • Played November 3, 2010
  • Rated October 20, 2010


1. What Are You? M11AltAnot rated1:26
2. Crisis Room M12/Device M13/Keep Quiet M14not rated1:16
3. Appearance M15AltA/Mirasta Agrees M16not rated1:18
4. Beyond Dreams M21AltAnot rated0:55
5. Paranoia M22/Rumors M23/Visitor M24/Amazement M31not rated1:24
6. Failed Escape M32AltAnot rated1:53
7. Decisions M41/Full Paranoia M42/Replaced M43/Review M44not rated2:02
8. Drugged M51AltA/Must Tell M52not rated0:48
9. Another Path M53not rated2:02
10. Acceptance M54/Mirasta Stays M55not rated1:07
11. Vessel of Death M11not rated2:41
12. Body Bag M12/Try to Understand M13/Eyes in the Dark M14 tk 4not rated1:39
13. Mystery of Brattain M21/Hearing Things M22AltB/Jealous M23/No Response M24not rated2:20
14. Adrift M31/Night Terrors M32not rated2:48
15. The Morgue M33AltA/Going Insane M34/One Moon M41A+M41not rated1:57
16. Feeling Fear M42not rated2:51
17. Data's Log M51/Realization M52AltAnot rated1:10
18. Circles M53not rated3:11
19. Pleasant Dreams M54not rated0:34
20. Cyrano de Bozo M11AltA/Loneliness/Questions M12not rated1:55
21. The Flash M13/Patterns Unknown M14not rated0:45
22. Probe Threat M15not rated4:23
23. Aftermath M21/Mr. Fix-It M22/New Man M23AltA/Nice Try M24AltA/Y Ask Y M25/Most Advanced M26/What to Do M31not rated2:01
24. Neural-Scan Interface M32not rated3:25
25. Unexpanded Brain M41/Stop It M42/Going In M43not rated4:09
26. Do Your Duty M51/Bio-Cellular Disruption M52not rated3:07
27. Faith M54/Cheap Date M55not rated1:33
28. Suspicion M11/J’Dan M12not rated1:58
29. Satie’s Arrival M13/Tough Job M14/Admission of Guilt M15not rated2:58
30. Seen Before M21/The Hunt M22/He's Lying M23/No Action M31/Guilt & Innocence M32not rated1:27
31. The Hearing M33/Incrimination M34not rated1:10
32. Seeing M41/How It Starts M42AltA/Mistake M43/Ethics M44/Ordered to Report M45/Picard on Trial M51not rated2:22
33. Implications M52/Drumhead M53not rated3:51
34. Observations M54/The Price M55not rated0:49
35. Early Worm M14 (Part I)not rated1:10
36. Preparations M21 (Part I)not rated0:26
37. Contemplations M41AltA (Part I)not rated0:53
38. Repairs Complete M21 (Part II)not rated0:22
39. Currents M31 (Part II)not rated0:59
40. Sitting Ducks M41/Borg Reach Saturn M42AltA (Part II)not rated1:08

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