Klaus Badelt
Die jagd nach der Heiligen Lanze

Klaus Badelt - Die jagd nach der Heiligen Lanze

  • Release date: 2010
  • Genre: Soundtrack
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 1:30:56
  • ***
  • Added April 2, 2010
  • Played April 2, 2010
  • Rated April 2, 2010


1. Origin of the Lanzenot rated3:13
2. Goethe's journalnot rated2:06
3. Duty and destinynot rated2:23
4. Laboratorynot rated3:43
5. Finding the cavenot rated3:00
6. Search beginsnot rated3:28
7. Interrogationnot rated1:42
8. Codebreakingnot rated2:31
9. Billboardnot rated0:46
10. Skullnot rated1:04
11. Theater roomnot rated3:23
12. Projectionnot rated2:26
13. Competition arrivesnot rated1:26
14. Spikesnot rated3:14
15. Undressednot rated1:12
16. Skull projectornot rated2:54
17. Erlanger returnsnot rated1:55
18. Church mousenot rated1:25
19. Headphone sourcenot rated0:25
20. Church escapenot rated1:08
21. Spyglassnot rated1:28
22. Erlanger phonecallnot rated0:59
23. Receptionnot rated0:53
24. Exchangenot rated2:24
25. Motorcycle songnot rated0:42
26. Von Hahn manornot rated1:55
27. Weddingnot rated2:00
28. Garden partynot rated3:34
29. Rescuing Bachmannnot rated2:03
30. Krimi to schoolnot rated1:21
31. Hall of famenot rated1:41
32. Helicopternot rated0:21
33. Krimi's breakupnot rated1:14
34. Fightnot rated0:37
35. Finding the keynot rated2:19
36. Stealing the helicopternot rated1:58
37. Killing erlangernot rated0:35
38. Brandenburg gatenot rated0:44
39. Brandenburg gate 2not rated2:51
40. X marks the spotnot rated4:12
41. Through the flamesnot rated4:23
42. Beneath the gatenot rated1:44
43. Subway escapenot rated1:09
44. Holy Lancenot rated3:22
45. Proposalnot rated1:00
46. Justu's girlfriendnot rated1:01
47. Because it's funnot rated1:02

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