Nobuo Uematsu
Benyamin Nuss plays Uematsu

Nobuo Uematsu - Benyamin Nuss plays Uematsu

  • Release date: 2010
  • Genre: "Klassik/japanisch"
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 1:08:03
  • *** 1/2
  • Added September 18, 2010
  • Played September 18, 2010
  • Rated September 18, 2010


1. Nobuo Uematsu - Prologue (Lost Odyssey)not rated3:13
2. Nobuo Uematsu - A Sign of Hope (Lost Odyssey)not rated3:29
3. Nobuo Uematsu - A Mighty Enemy Appears! (Lost Odyssey)not rated2:52
4. Nobuo Uematsu - Terra's Theme (Final Fantasy VI)not rated5:29
5. Nobuo Uematsu - Liberi Fatali (Final Fantasy VIII)not rated3:25
6. Nobuo Uematsu - Where I Belong (Final Fantasy VIII)not rated3:42
7. Nobuo Uematsu - The Serpent Trench (Final Fantasy VI)not rated3:14
8. Benyamin Nuss - Nobuo's Theme - Dedicated to Nobuo Uematsunot rated5:35
9. Nobuo Uematsu - A Place to Call Home (Final Fantasy IX)not rated3:40
10. Nobuo Uematsu - Fantasy over Themes of Final Fantasy VIInot rated9:28
11. Nobuo Uematsu - Main Theme (Blue Dragon)not rated4:52
12. Nobuo Uematsu - Waterside (Blue Dragon)not rated3:47
13. Nobuo Uematsu - My Tears and the Sky (Blue Dragon)not rated6:11
14. Nobuo Uematsu - Release the Seal (Blue Dragon)not rated4:21
15. Nobuo Uematsu - Years & Years - Dedicated to Benyamin Nussnot rated4:45

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