Merrill Jenson
Alamo: The Price of Freedom

Merrill Jenson - Alamo:  The Price of Freedom

  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 26:22
  • ****
  • Added July 31, 2010
  • Played August 7, 2010
  • Rated July 31, 2010


1. Main Themenot rated1:31
2. The Dream of Texasnot rated1:50
3. Travis Arrives at the Alamonot rated1:08
4. Post of Honornot rated1:04
5. Santa Anna Arrivesnot rated1:23
6. With a Cannon Shotnot rated0:49
7. Bowie Surrenders Commandnot rated1:10
8. To the People of Texasnot rated1:52
9. Cavalry Attacknot rated1:05
10. The Time Has Comenot rated0:48
11. Bonham Returnsnot rated1:15
12. The Linenot rated2:47
13. The Ringnot rated1:51
14. Call to Attention/Deguellonot rated1:29
15. No Small Affair/Finalenot rated3:41
16. The Price of Freedomnot rated2:39

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