Michael Giacchino
Medal of Honor: 10th Anniversary

Michael Giacchino - Medal of Honor: 10th Anniversary

  • Release date: 2008
  • Genre: Game
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 57:43
  • *****
  • Added September 13, 2010
  • Played September 13, 2010
  • Rated September 13, 2010


1. Main Themenot rated4:04
2. Schmerzennot rated3:37
3. Operation Market Gardennot rated5:34
4. After the Dropnot rated5:39
5. Manor House Rallynot rated3:50
6. The Rowhousesnot rated4:42
7. Escaping Gothanot rated7:20
8. May 10th, 1940 (Main Theme)not rated4:32
9. Panzer Blockadenot rated3:22
10. Escape from Casablancanot rated3:21
11. Unblocking Utahnot rated2:45
12. Das Flakturnnot rated2:39
13. Taking Out the Sighting Towernot rated2:32
14. Medal of Honor Airborne Themenot rated3:46

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