John Williams
STAR WARS: Symphony for a Saga (The Original Trilogy)

John Williams - STAR WARS: Symphony for a Saga (The Original Trilogy)

  • Release date: 2005
  • Genre: Movie Soundtrack/Other
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 1:14:58
  • *****
  • Added March 6, 2010
  • Rated March 6, 2010


1. Princess Leia's Themenot rated4:20
2. Rebellionnot rated3:23
3. The Desert Planetnot rated0:46
4. A New Hope (Part II)not rated4:06
5. Rendezvous with the Death Starnot rated2:19
6. A Sacrifice and An Escapenot rated1:33
7. The Battle of Yavinnot rated4:13
8. Victorynot rated1:50
9. The Imperial Marchnot rated2:57
10. The Empire Strikes Backnot rated3:13
11. Escape Through the Asteroid Beltnot rated1:53
12. Han and Leianot rated1:19
13. Yoda's Themenot rated3:57
14. Pursuednot rated0:48
15. City in the Cloudsnot rated2:24
16. Lord Vader Set A Trapnot rated2:09
17. The Funeral March and Escape from Cloud Citynot rated2:11
18. The Duelnot rated0:56
19. Rescuednot rated1:18
20. Arrival at the Death Starnot rated2:56
21. Jabba the Huttnot rated1:10
22. The Rebel Alliancenot rated1:45
23. The Parade of the Ewoksnot rated3:23
24. Brother and Sisternot rated4:39
25. Into the Trapnot rated2:10
26. The Forest Battlenot rated4:00
27. Palpatinenot rated1:43
28. Return of the Jedinot rated5:02
29. Finalenot rated2:35

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