Medwyn Goodall

Medwyn Goodall - Momentum

  • Release date: 2004
  • Genre: New Age
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 2:15:34
  • ****
  • Added August 4, 2010
  • Played August 4, 2010
  • Rated August 4, 2010


1. Dances on the Cloudnot rated8:10
2. Spire Mountainnot rated7:17
3. Merlin's Cavenot rated6:58
4. The Legend of El Cidnot rated6:47
5. White Sailsnot rated4:25
6. Machu Picchunot rated7:33
7. Thunder Godsnot rated8:40
8. Dozmary Poolnot rated6:05
9. Coral Palacenot rated9:04
10. Magic Centrenot rated10:19
1. Hollow Earthnot rated6:38
2. Endless Searchnot rated7:54
3. Unconditional Lovenot rated5:16
4. Coral Islandnot rated6:13
5. Spin of the Reelnot rated2:58
6. Snow Kingdom Forevernot rated6:01
7. King Arthurnot rated3:21
8. Headwindnot rated5:59
9. Spirit Journeynot rated8:01
10. All for Lovenot rated7:55

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