Various artists
Compil 209 - Vol 09

Various artists - Compil 209 - Vol 09

  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 1:15:08
  • *****
  • Added March 27, 2010
  • Played March 27, 2010
  • Rated March 27, 2010


1. Alan Silvestri - Night at the Museum 2 (Suite)not rated16:25
2. Marco Beltrami - In The Electric Mist (Suite)not rated10:22
3. Howard Shore - The Betrayal (Suite)not rated10:21
4. James Hannigan - Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (VGM 2009) Suitenot rated16:44
5. Ludovic Bource - OSS 117 Rio Ne Repond Plus (Suite)not rated10:31
6. Bruno Coulais - Brendan et le Secret de Kells (the secret of kells) (Suite)not rated10:45

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