John Williams
Star Wars - Return Of The Jedi (Complete Score)

John Williams - Star Wars - Return Of The Jedi (Complete Score)

  • Release date: 2009
  • Genre: Soundtrack
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 4:15:56
  • *****
  • Added March 6, 2010
  • Rated March 6, 2010


Disc 1
1. 20th Century Fox Fanfarenot rated0:21
2. Star Wars Main Title / An Unexpected Visitnot rated4:38
3. Tatooine Rendezvousnot rated0:52
4. Message From A Jedinot rated3:10
5. Entertaining A Hutt - Jedi Rocksnot rated1:26
6. Entertaining A Hutt - Lapti Neknot rated1:05
7. Bounty For A Wookieenot rated2:05
8. Max Rebo's Palace Bandnot rated0:34
9. Han Solo Returnsnot rated3:07
10. Confronting Jabbanot rated2:18
11. Rancor Dungeon Fightnot rated3:17
12. Sarlacc Sentencenot rated1:46
13. Jabba's Sail Bargenot rated1:20
14. The Pit Of Carkoonnot rated0:12
15. Return Of The Jedinot rated5:08
16. Inspecting The Death Starnot rated1:49
17. Death Of A Jedi Masternot rated6:09
18. Twin Sisternot rated0:43
19. Rebel Briefingnot rated2:32
20. Shuttle Tydiriumnot rated4:02
21. Scout Troopersnot rated1:22
22. Missing Companionnot rated0:54
23. Wicket The Ewoknot rated0:21
24. Making Friendsnot rated1:16
25. The Emperor's Throne Room / The Ewok Trapnot rated4:09
26. Land Of The Ewoksnot rated0:37
27. Ewok Feastnot rated2:26
28. The Levitationnot rated1:23
Disc 2
1. Campfire Storiesnot rated1:11
2. Joining The Tribenot rated2:05
3. Brother And Sisternot rated3:09
4. Father And Sonnot rated3:44
5. Secret Bunker / The Fleet Enters Hyperspacenot rated1:44
6. Heroic Ewoknot rated2:07
7. Brought Before The Emperornot rated3:25
8. Into The Trapnot rated2:20
9. The Dark Side Beckonsnot rated2:02
10. Attack Of The Ewoks / The Death Star Firesnot rated7:04
11. The Duel Beginsnot rated0:59
12. Taking Over The Imperial Walkernot rated2:23
13. Leia Is Wounded / Father vs. Sonnot rated2:55
14. Capturing The Bunkernot rated0:59
15. A Jedi's Fury / Destroying The Shieldnot rated3:35
16. Vader's Redemptionnot rated2:36
17. Into The Death Starnot rated1:58
18. Anakin Skywalker's Deathnot rated2:30
19. Through The Flamesnot rated1:35
20. Leia's Newsnot rated1:20
21. Funeral Pyre For A Jedinot rated1:07
22. Ewok Celebration (1986)not rated2:24
23. Ewok Celebration (1983)not rated1:58
24. End Creditsnot rated6:54
Disc 3
1. Album Introductionnot rated0:08
2. Return Of The Jedi (Music Video)not rated1:25
3. A Bond Unbroken [Introduction]not rated0:28
4. [Bonus Track]: A Bond Unbrokennot rated4:44
5. A Sanctuary Moon [Introduction]not rated0:27
6. [Bonus Track]: A Sanctuary Moonnot rated4:04
7. A Life Redeemed [Introduction]not rated0:41
8. [Bonus Track]: A Life Redeemednot rated2:04
9. A New Day Dawns [Introduction]not rated0:31
10. [Bonus Track]: A New Day Dawnsnot rated5:34
11. Parade Of The Ewoks (Suite)not rated3:24
12. Jabba's Baroque Recitalnot rated3:01
13. Jedi Rocksnot rated2:46
14. Lapti Nek (Album)not rated2:48
15. Lapti Nek (Complete Suite)not rated12:09
16. The Forest Battle (Suite)not rated4:01
17. An Unexpected Visit (Album)not rated1:56
18. Jabba's Palace Gatenot rated1:08
19. Chewbacca Capturednot rated0:49
20. The Pit Of Carkoon (Extended)not rated0:58
21. The Return Of The Jedi (Album)not rated5:00
22. Inspecting The Death Star (Album)not rated2:05
23. Yoda's Hovelnot rated0:36
24. The Swamp Planet Of Dagobahnot rated2:09
25. Faking The Codenot rated0:21
26. Friendly Ewoknot rated0:25
27. The Forest Moonnot rated0:24
28. The Levitation (Album)not rated1:27
29. Father And Son (Extended Ending)not rated0:28
Disc 4
1. Into The Trap (Album)not rated2:36
2. Attack Of The Ewoks (Unused Section)not rated0:33
3. Taking Over The Imperial Walker (Album)not rated2:49
4. Through The Flames (Album)not rated1:36
5. Leia's News (Album)not rated1:19
6. Light Of The Force (Suite)not rated0:55
7. Jabba The Huttnot rated3:40
8. Jabba's Sail Barge (Source)not rated1:20
9. Max Rebo's Palace Band (Source)not rated0:34
10. Sail Barge Assault (Alternate)not rated5:02
11. At The Court Of Jabba The Huttnot rated1:46
12. Parade Of The Ewoks (Alternate)not rated3:32
13. Ewok Celebration (Alternate)not rated1:44
14. Ewok Feast (Suite)not rated3:58
15. Luke And Leia (Suite)not rated4:45
16. Ewok Celebration (Yub Nub)not rated1:59
17. Star Wars Trilogy End Credits Suitenot rated13:47
18. Return Of The Jedi Orchestral Suitenot rated5:59
19. The Story Of Episode VI As Told By C-3POnot rated10:01
20. Album Finishnot rated0:54

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