Chris Hülsbeck
Symphonic Shades

Chris Hülsbeck - Symphonic Shades

  • Release date: 2008
  • Genre: Orchestral/Other
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 1:11:57
  • *****
  • Added July 7, 2010
  • Played August 30, 2010
  • Rated July 7, 2010


1. Grand Monster Slam (Opening Fanfare)not rated2:36
2. x-out (main theme)not rated5:06
3. jim power in mutant planet (main theme)not rated5:41
4. tower of babelnot rated4:38
5. turrican 3 - payment day (piano suite)not rated4:43
6. gem'x (main theme)not rated3:42
7. apidya ii (suite)not rated5:00
8. r-type (main theme)not rated5:16
9. licht am ende des tunnels (suite)not rated5:07
10. the great giana sisters (suite)not rated5:30
11. tunnel b1 (suite)not rated8:29
12. symphonic shadesnot rated4:02
13. karawane der elefantennot rated4:13
14. turrican ii - the final fight (main theme)not rated7:54

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