Laurent Ferlet

Laurent Ferlet - Hanuman

  • Release date: 1998
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 54:54
  • ****
  • Added August 14, 2010
  • Played August 14, 2010
  • Rated August 14, 2010


1. awakening in the monkey kingdomnot rated6:40
2. hanu's destinynot rated0:34
3. childhood memoriesnot rated1:24
4. long tooth's questnot rated2:40
5. jeela and the tikanot rated1:35
6. munchiesnot rated1:28
7. vijayanagarnot rated1:25
8. moon facenot rated3:28
9. the world of hanumannot rated0:53
10. hanu's exclusionnot rated0:42
11. new worldnot rated1:43
12. anja's themenot rated2:55
13. underground spiritsnot rated2:22
14. hanu is drunknot rated0:43
15. jeela's treenot rated0:47
16. broken heartnot rated1:37
17. the huntnot rated2:34
18. kishkindanot rated1:32
19. sanctuarynot rated2:58
20. green monkeynot rated2:46
21. funerals for a monkeynot rated1:04
22. tension robertonot rated0:43
23. war in the monkey kingdomnot rated4:46
24. free jeelanot rated0:48
25. funerals for a holy mannot rated1:57
26. sacred ashesnot rated1:00
27. dancing memoriesnot rated3:50

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