David & Diane Arkenstone
The Best of David & Diane Arkenstone

David & Diane Arkenstone - The Best of David & Diane Arkenstone

  • Release date: 2010
  • Genre: New Age
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 1:13:47
  • ***
  • Added August 28, 2010
  • Played August 28, 2010
  • Rated August 28, 2010


1. Jewel in the Sunnot rated4:49
2. The Spirit of Excaliburnot rated4:42
3. Edge of the Worldnot rated4:36
4. The Angel's Voicenot rated4:40
5. The Red Towernot rated4:32
6. Night Flightnot rated4:24
7. Through the Veilnot rated4:48
8. Morning Mistnot rated4:39
9. Firefallnot rated5:25
10. Ocean Dreamsnot rated4:31
11. Seductionnot rated4:30
12. Flight of the Ravennot rated5:19
13. The White Feathernot rated4:28
14. Horizon of Starsnot rated4:27
15. Arwen and Aragornnot rated3:29
16. Rhythm of the Nightnot rated4:28

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