Medwyn Goodall
Winds Across the Pacific

Medwyn Goodall - Winds Across the Pacific

  • Release date: 1996
  • Genre: New Age
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 53:56
  • ***
  • Added August 3, 2010
  • Played August 3, 2010
  • Rated August 3, 2010


1. The Midnight Watersnot rated6:20
2. Winds Across the Pacificnot rated7:52
3. White Sailsnot rated4:50
4. The Restless Tidenot rated7:58
5. Coral Islandsnot rated6:38
6. Turquoisenot rated5:34
7. Secret Depthsnot rated4:39
8. Pacific Ocean Beautynot rated10:05

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