Dan Gibson
Blue Sky Classics

Dan Gibson - Blue Sky Classics

  • Release date: 2008
  • Genre: New Age
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 1:03:21
  • *****
  • Added September 11, 2010
  • Played September 11, 2010
  • Rated September 11, 2010


1. Prelude in C Major from The Well Tempered Clavier - J.S. Bachnot rated6:44
2. Adagio from Violin Sonata No.5 in F Major, Op.24. Spring - Beethovennot rated6:13
3. Largo from Symphony No.88 in G Major - Haydnnot rated5:11
4. Preludes, Book 1. No.8. Girl with the Flaxen Hair - Debussynot rated4:54
5. Larghetto from Piano Concerto No.2 in F Minor, Op.21 - Chopinnot rated6:41
6. Adagio from Violin Concerto No.2 in G Major - Mozartnot rated7:15
7. Larghetto from Symphony No.1 in B Flat Major, Op.38. Spring - Schumannnot rated6:53
8. Andante from String Quartet No.12 in C Minor - Schubertnot rated7:05
9. Adagio from Sonata No.6, Op.1 - Corellinot rated2:44
10. Andante Cantabile from String Quartet No,1 in D Major, Op.11 - Tchaikovskynot rated9:41

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