1. M2 Opening Attack Fix | not rated | 0:25 |
2. M3 Gwen's Letter | not rated | 1:02 |
3. M5 Ben's Body | not rated | 0:32 |
4. M6 Mysterious Moon | not rated | 0:36 |
5. M7A Fountain | not rated | 0:55 |
6. M10 Funeral | not rated | 0:43 |
7. M11 Gwen Leaves - Take Warning | not rated | 1:28 |
8. M16 Healing Montage Pt. 2 | not rated | 0:54 |
9. M18 Aberline Arrives | not rated | 0:57 |
10. M21 Lake | not rated | 2:19 |
11. M22 Bleeding Lip | not rated | 1:23 |
12. M24A Pint Of Bitter Please | not rated | 0:37 |
13. M25 Mother Statue Reveal | not rated | 0:27 |
14. M33 London Rampage Patch | not rated | 0:21 |
15. M35 The Kiss | not rated | 0:54 |
16. M46 Final Fight | not rated | 1:17 |
17. M50 Gorge - Face To Face | not rated | 0:33 |
18. M50A Wolfman Shot | not rated | 1:29 |
19. M51 Finale | not rated | 2:12 |
20. M51 Finale (Alternate Ending) | not rated | 2:13 |
21. M52 Epilogue | not rated | 0:51 |
| 22:08 |
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