Basil Poledouris
Starship Troopers (Expanded Score)

Basil Poledouris - Starship Troopers (Expanded Score)

  • Release date: 1997
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 1:15:35
  • *****
  • Added August 12, 2010
  • Played August 12, 2010
  • Rated August 12, 2010


1. FEDNET - Intronot rated1:56
2. Carl's Psychic Abilitiesnot rated0:42
3. Carmen's Departurenot rated0:54
4. FEDNET - Crime and Punishmentnot rated0:35
5. Capture The Flagnot rated0:47
6. Wargames Victorynot rated0:42
7. Carmen's Flightnot rated1:38
8. FEDNET - Port Joe Smithnot rated0:23
9. The Break Upnot rated1:02
10. Live Fire Exercisenot rated0:24
11. Punishment - Asteroid Grazingnot rated4:50
12. FEDNET - Do Your Partnot rated0:17
13. Klendathu Dropnot rated5:18
14. FEDNET - Klendathu Massacrenot rated0:57
15. The Ticonderoganot rated3:05
16. Rasczak Roughnecksnot rated0:52
17. Tango Urillanot rated3:51
18. Hopper Canyonnot rated2:43
19. Dark Discoverynot rated1:27
20. Bugs!!not rated2:55
21. Evacuationnot rated4:46
22. Dizzy's Deathnot rated2:23
23. Dizzy's Funeralnot rated1:18
24. Destruction of Roger Youngnot rated3:27
25. Brainbugnot rated3:57
26. They Will Winnot rated4:01
27. End Creditsnot rated10:04
28. Into Itnot rated4:36
29. The Break Up [Alt]not rated1:02
30. Dizzy's Death [Alt]not rated2:23
31. Bugs!! [Alt]not rated2:20

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