Tim Janis

Tim Janis - Etain

  • Release date: 1996
  • Genre: Celtic
  • Format: FLAC
  • Duration: 35:33
  • ****
  • Added April 17, 2010
  • Played April 17, 2010
  • Rated April 17, 2010


1. A Spell is Castnot rated2:26
2. In the Wind Above the Seanot rated1:57
3. The Weary Heartnot rated1:03
4. Havennot rated2:19
5. The Cup of Winenot rated2:09
6. The Time Betweennot rated2:37
7. The Chieftan's Daughternot rated1:04
8. The Time Between (Reprise)not rated2:37
9. The Meeting at the Wellnot rated2:01
10. A Wedding Feast in Eochaid's Courtnot rated1:58
11. Rememberingnot rated1:06
12. A Walk in the Woodsnot rated1:55
13. A Game of Chessnot rated1:42
14. High Stakesnot rated1:46
15. Angry Waitingnot rated1:51
16. To the Centernot rated2:11
17. The Flight of Swansnot rated2:51
18. The Chieftain's Daughter (Reprise)not rated1:51

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