Christopher Young
Love Happens

Christopher Young - Love Happens

  • Release date: 2010
  • Genre: Soundtrack
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 1:07:21
  • *****
  • Added March 8, 2010
  • Played March 8, 2010
  • Rated March 8, 2010


1. Love Happensnot rated3:20
2. Kaleidoscope Christmasnot rated2:20
3. A World in theThree Colorsnot rated2:20
4. It's MMM... Goodnot rated1:50
5. Crystal Flowersnot rated2:15
6. Walk the Talknot rated1:32
7. Around or Through?not rated3:57
8. Past Isn'tnot rated3:36
9. Joy Within Each Thoughtnot rated1:58
10. Groove Enot rated1:34
11. Each Decorated Ditchnot rated2:45
12. Vodka Logicnot rated3:44
13. Mind Noisenot rated4:22
14. Cinnamon Lifenot rated2:47
15. We're A-OKnot rated3:11
16. Love Happenednot rated6:06
17. Baggage Blister Hoedownnot rated1:55
18. A Consonnant Crynot rated3:06
19. A Dissonant Discoursenot rated2:59
20. Why the Hell Am I in Heaven?not rated2:40
21. Not Really Postludenot rated3:21
22. Freud Who?not rated1:54
23. Fast Toward the Eye (Of Lorelei)not rated3:49

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