Garry Schyman
I Am Rapture, Rapture Is Me

Garry Schyman - I Am Rapture, Rapture Is Me

  • Genre: OST
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 37:47
  • ***
  • Added February 25, 2010
  • Played February 25, 2010
  • Rated February 25, 2010


1. The Ocean On His Shoulders (BioShock Main Theme)not rated1:53
2. Welcome to Rapturenot rated1:48
3. Dancers on a Stringnot rated1:30
4. Cohen's Masterpiecenot rated2:53
5. Step Into My Gardennot rated1:06
6. The Docksnot rated0:54
7. This is Where They Sleepnot rated1:20
8. The Engine Citynot rated1:03
9. All Spliced Upnot rated1:00
10. Dr. Steinmannot rated1:54
11. Empty Housesnot rated1:44
12. Lost Soulnot rated0:42
13. The Good Onenot rated1:03
14. Rapture News Dailynot rated1:01
15. Busted Subnot rated1:06
16. Spliced Aphroditenot rated1:07
17. Diseased Medicalnot rated2:01
18. Cohen is Lurkingnot rated4:00
19. Haunted Slumsnot rated1:48
20. Bowels of the Citynot rated1:11
21. Becoming One of Themnot rated1:38
22. Combat Medleynot rated2:45
23. Rise, Rapture, Risenot rated1:44
24. Gameplay Cuesnot rated0:36

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