1. Out of Peking Opera, for violin & orchestra | not rated | 17:51 |
2. Death and Fire-I Portrait | not rated | 2:53 |
3. Insert 1-Animals at Full Moon | not rated | 3:17 |
4. Insert 2-Senicio | not rated | 1:55 |
5. Insert 3-Ad Parnassum | not rated | 2:26 |
6. II Self Portrait | not rated | 7:16 |
7. Insert 4-Twittering Machine | not rated | 1:06 |
8. Insert 5-Earth Witches | not rated | 1:01 |
9. Insert 6-Intoxication | not rated | 2:17 |
10. Insert 7-J.S. Bach | not rated | 1:43 |
11. III Death and Fire | not rated | 3:45 |
12. Orchestral Theatre II: Re, for divided orchestra, bass voice and audience with two conductors | not rated | 18:55 |
| 1:04:25 |
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