Ardemund Orchestra
Singing In The Heart

Ardemund Orchestra - Singing In The Heart

  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 54:40
  • *****
  • Added February 18, 2010
  • Played February 18, 2010
  • Rated February 18, 2010


1. Seek Myselfnot rated5:58
2. Fairy Dreamnot rated3:48
3. Sky Boat Songsnot rated5:38
4. Singing By The Heartnot rated4:14
5. Yellow Pciturenot rated5:04
6. Escape From Lovenot rated4:16
7. Do It As A Friendnot rated4:32
8. Alethanot rated3:27
9. Fourteenth Streetnot rated5:14
10. Four A.M.not rated4:51
11. Heart Away From Homenot rated3:33
12. Underwater Scenenot rated4:05

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