Michael Giacchino
Ratatouille Cast and Crew CD

Michael Giacchino - Ratatouille Cast and Crew CD

  • Genre: Other
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 1:17:15
  • *****
  • Added November 28, 2009
  • Played November 28, 2009
  • Rated November 28, 2009


1. Ratatouille Cast and Crew CD - 01 - Ratatouille Main Themenot rated2:17
2. Ratatouille Cast and Crew CD - 02 - Welcome to Gusteau'snot rated0:37
3. Ratatouille Cast and Crew CD - 03 - This Is Menot rated1:46
4. Ratatouille Cast and Crew CD - 04 - Humans Are Good Peoplenot rated0:30
5. Ratatouille Cast and Crew CD - 05 - Remy's Secret Lifenot rated1:39
6. Ratatouille Cast and Crew CD - 06 - Wild About Saffronnot rated1:04
7. Ratatouille Cast and Crew CD - 07 - Granny Get Your Gunnot rated2:03
8. Ratatouille Cast and Crew CD - 08 - 100 Rat Dashnot rated1:52
9. Ratatouille Cast and Crew CD - 09 - Wall Ratnot rated4:22
10. Ratatouille Cast and Crew CD - 10 - A Real Gourmet Kitchennot rated4:19
11. Ratatouille Cast and Crew CD - 11 - Souped Up (Alt. Version)not rated0:49
12. Ratatouille Cast and Crew CD - 12 - Going In Sienenot rated0:32
13. Ratatouille Cast and Crew CD - 13 - A New Dealnot rated1:56
14. Ratatouille Cast and Crew CD - 14 - Breakfast Is Servednot rated0:54
15. Ratatouille Cast and Crew CD - 15 - Welcome to Hellnot rated1:42
16. Ratatouille Cast and Crew CD - 16 - Remy and Linguini Make a Dealnot rated1:51
17. Ratatouille Cast and Crew CD - 17 - Remy Drives a Linguininot rated2:28
18. Ratatouille Cast and Crew CD - 18 - That Can't Be Goodnot rated0:13
19. Ratatouille Cast and Crew CD - 19 - Colette Shows Him Le Ropesnot rated2:57
20. Ratatouille Cast and Crew CD - 20 - Special Ordernot rated1:58
21. Ratatouille Cast and Crew CD - 21 - A Rat of Luxurynot rated0:27
22. Ratatouille Cast and Crew CD - 22 - Kumpanianot rated1:58
23. Ratatouille Cast and Crew CD - 23 - Hang Upsnot rated4:14
24. Ratatouille Cast and Crew CD - 24 - Kiss and Vinegarnot rated1:54
25. Ratatouille Cast and Crew CD - 25 - Losing Controlnot rated2:05
26. Ratatouille Cast and Crew CD - 26 - The Paper Chase (Alt. Version)not rated1:46
27. Ratatouille Cast and Crew CD - 27 - Ego Finds Linguininot rated2:00
28. Ratatouille Cast and Crew CD - 28 - Remy's Revengenot rated4:08
29. Ratatouille Cast and Crew CD - 29 - Bad Jujunot rated1:02
30. Ratatouille Cast and Crew CD - 30 - Abandoning Shipnot rated2:58
31. Ratatouille Cast and Crew CD - 31 - Dinner Rushnot rated5:01
32. Ratatouille Cast and Crew CD - 32 - Anyone Can Cooknot rated5:13
33. Ratatouille Cast and Crew CD - 33 - Remy's Themenot rated1:11
34. Ratatouille Cast and Crew CD - 34 - Ratatouille Main Theme (Alt. Version)not rated2:06
35. Ratatouille Cast and Crew CD - 35 - Rat From Ipanemanot rated3:38
36. Ratatouille Cast and Crew CD - 36 - Le Festin (Alt. Version Demo)not rated1:45

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