Bruce Broughton

Bruce Broughton - Suites

  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 4:38:50
  • *****
  • Added January 1, 2010
  • Played January 1, 2010
  • Rated January 2, 2010


1. Baby's Day Outnot rated2:24
2. For Love Or Moneynot rated13:47
3. Harry & The Hendersonsnot rated8:35
4. Homeward Bound 2not rated21:56
5. Honey I Blew Up The Kid !not rated19:30
6. Lost In Spacenot rated27:45
7. Miracle On The 34th Streetnot rated6:46
8. Narrow Marginnot rated19:04
9. Rescuers Down Undernot rated24:22
10. Roger Rabbit's Mix Upnot rated0:48
11. Shadow Conspiracynot rated28:09
12. Silveradonot rated17:03
13. The Boy Who Could Flynot rated12:06
14. The Monster Squadnot rated11:12
15. Tombstonenot rated27:41
16. True Womennot rated16:42
17. Young Sherlock Holmes And The Pyramid Of Fear 1not rated6:29
18. Young Sherlock Holmes And The Pyramid Of Fearnot rated14:31

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