Erich Kunzel
Time Warp

Erich Kunzel - Time Warp

  • Release date: 2005
  • Genre: Easy Listening
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 51:41
  • ****
  • Added January 29, 2010
  • Played January 29, 2010
  • Rated January 29, 2010


1. Hugo Dorsey - Ascent - Erich Kunzelnot rated3:51
2. Richard Strauss - Introduction To Also Sprach Zarathustra (From 2001 & 2010) - Erich Kunzelnot rated1:50
3. Owen Goldsmith - Star Trek: Main Theme - Erich Kunzelnot rated3:56
4. Alexander Courage - The Menagerie: Suite (Original Pilot For The TV Show Star Trek) - Erich Kunzelnot rated7:37
5. Stu Phillips - Battlestar Galactica: Main Theme - Erich Kunzelnot rated3:30
6. John Williams - Superman: Love Theme - Erich Kunzelnot rated4:45
7. John Williams - Star Wars: Throne Room & End Title - Erich Kunzelnot rated7:45
8. Jerry Goldsmith - Alien: Closing Title - Erich Kunzelnot rated2:59
9. Johann Strauss Jr. - On the Beautiful Blue Danube (from 2001) - Erich Kunzelnot rated8:26
10. Aram Khachaturian - Gayne Ballet: Adagio (From 2001) - Erich Kunzelnot rated5:01
11. Richard Strauss - Introduction To Also Sprach Zarathustra - Reprise - Original Version - Erich Kunzelnot rated2:01

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