Motoi Sakuraba
Infinite Undiscovery

Motoi Sakuraba - Infinite Undiscovery

  • Release date: 2008
  • Genre: Game
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 3:47:55
  • ***
  • Added December 2, 2009
  • Played February 1, 2011
  • Rated December 2, 2009


1. Supernal Epicnot rated4:06
2. Procession of the Ordernot rated2:35
3. Soaring Bladenot rated2:39
4. Blue Horizonnot rated2:48
5. Dewdrops in the Morning Windnot rated2:50
6. Step Into a New Worldnot rated3:44
7. Town in Despairnot rated2:57
8. Claridian Enchainednot rated3:02
9. Hymn to the Headless Knightnot rated3:00
10. Bless the Bountiful Landnot rated3:00
11. The Azure Kingnot rated3:29
12. Beguiling Miragesnot rated2:52
13. Colorful Daysnot rated2:34
14. Fire Dancersnot rated3:00
15. The Crimson Emirnot rated2:41
16. Divine Wingsnot rated2:55
17. Messagenot rated1:58
18. Cries of a Twisted Worldnot rated2:27
19. The Lonely Pathnot rated3:38
20. Home Sweet Homenot rated2:51
21. The Slovenly Serenadenot rated2:36
22. Promisenot rated2:21
23. Until We Dreamnot rated2:28
24. Fleeing Dog Rhapsodynot rated1:16
25. Cleaving Bladenot rated3:10
26. Ferocious Valornot rated3:15
27. Onslaughtnot rated2:41
1. Garden of the Immortalsnot rated2:53
2. Swelling Madnessnot rated2:50
3. Towering Behemothnot rated2:56
4. Gray Harbornot rated3:36
5. Pure Alabasternot rated2:48
6. The Alabaster Kingnot rated3:39
7. Abundant Harvestnot rated3:06
8. The Amber Empressnot rated2:57
9. Memories of the Pastnot rated3:49
10. Cavernous Corridorsnot rated3:05
11. Poisoned Landnot rated3:35
12. Impure Watersnot rated3:11
13. Ballad of the Bony Wolfnot rated0:41
14. March of the Bravenot rated2:42
15. Hesitant Stepnot rated2:56
16. The World Awaitsnot rated2:44
17. Precipicenot rated2:06
18. Misshapen Formnot rated2:44
19. Lingering Shadowsnot rated2:37
20. Moonless Depthsnot rated2:26
21. Deadly Premonitionsnot rated2:50
22. Air of Authoritynot rated3:22
23. Requiem Felinenot rated2:31
24. Knight of the Ordernot rated2:49
25. Fearsome Strengthnot rated2:57
26. The Reaper Callsnot rated3:12
1. Recollections in the Waternot rated2:51
2. Wavering in the Darknessnot rated3:47
3. Forbidden Groundnot rated3:54
4. Dark Skies and Seasnot rated3:43
5. Forgotten Bardnot rated3:09
6. Against the Unknownnot rated2:58
7. Steadfast Spearnot rated2:59
8. Heaven and Earth Collidenot rated3:31
9. Porcelain Tearsnot rated3:17
10. Another Challengenot rated3:43
11. Armadillo Boleronot rated0:37
12. Fleeting Reminiscencenot rated3:14
13. Tearful Memoriesnot rated3:15
14. Disquieting Sanctuarynot rated2:58
15. Endless Strugglenot rated2:37
16. Unbreakable Resolvenot rated2:51
17. Stygian Sneernot rated3:31
18. Unchain the Worldnot rated3:54
19. Glorious Victorynot rated0:38
20. The Brink of Despairnot rated0:44
21. Prelude to Liberationnot rated2:03
22. Lullabynot rated3:14
23. Bridge to Happinessnot rated4:08
24. The Endless Streamnot rated7:17
25. Evening Starnot rated1:07

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