Various artists
Watch the Skies

Various artists - Watch the Skies

  • Genre: Film Score/Other
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 1:13:21
  • ***
  • Added November 29, 2009
  • Played November 29, 2009
  • Rated November 29, 2009


1. The Day Earth Stood Still--Bernard Herrmannnot rated1:49
2. Mars Attacks--Danny Elfmannot rated4:01
3. Species--Christopher Youngnot rated7:48
4. E.T.--John Williamsnot rated4:16
5. Contact--Alan Silvestrinot rated3:50
6. They Live--John Carpenter / Alan Howarthnot rated3:36
7. Men in Black--Danny Elfmannot rated3:01
8. Predator--Alan Silvestrinot rated3:23
9. Aliens - The Amusement Park Ride--Richard Bandnot rated6:31
10. Alien--Jerry Goldsmithnot rated2:50
11. Invasion of the Body Snatchers--Denny Zeitlinnot rated4:16
12. Roswell--Elliot Goldenthalnot rated3:14
13. The Tommyknockers--Christopher Frankenot rated7:57
14. Dark Skies--Michael Hoeningnot rated3:23
15. The X-Files--Mark Snownot rated4:27
16. Independence Day--David Arnoldnot rated8:59

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