Various artists
Original Film Soundtracks: The Best of GODZILLA 1984-1995

Various artists - Original Film Soundtracks: The Best of GODZILLA 1984-1995

  • Release date: 1998
  • Genre: Soundtrack
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 1:18:28
  • ** 1/2
  • Added November 28, 2009
  • Played November 28, 2009
  • Rated November 28, 2009


1. Akira Ifukube - Godzilla's Themenot rated3:18
2. Reijiroh Koroku - Main Titlenot rated1:49
3. Reijiroh Koroku - Take Shelter/Godzilla Vs. Super Xnot rated2:15
4. Reijiroh Koroku - Japanese Army Marchnot rated0:47
5. Reijiroh Koroku - Godzilla's Exitnot rated1:51
6. Reijiroh Koroku - Endingnot rated1:46
7. Kohichi Sugiyama - Scramble Marchnot rated4:27
8. Kohichi Sugiyama - Bio Warsnot rated4:36
9. Kohichi Sugiyama - Endingnot rated5:00
10. Akira Ifukube - Main Title/UFO Invasionnot rated2:56
11. Akira Ifukube - King Ghidorah Attacks Fukoukanot rated0:37
12. Akira Ifukube - Get King Ghidorahnot rated1:41
13. Akira Ifukube - Main Titlenot rated1:25
14. Akira Ifukube - Mahara Mothranot rated0:55
15. Akira Ifukube - Mesa Marchnot rated1:55
16. Akira Ifukube - Rolling Title Endingnot rated3:40
17. Akira Ifukube - Mothra's Songnot rated3:46
18. Akira Ifukube - Main Titlenot rated1:35
19. Akira Ifukube - G-Force March #1not rated2:50
20. Takayuki Hattori - Prologue/Main Titlenot rated2:35
21. Takayuki Hattori - Bass Islandnot rated1:21
22. Takayuki Hattori - Mogera vs. Spacegodzilla #2not rated1:28
23. Takayuki Hattori - Mogera vs. Spacegodzilla #3not rated2:37
24. Takayuki Hattori - Crystalnot rated5:33
25. Akira Ifukube - Main Title/Hong Kong's Destructionnot rated3:09
26. Akira Ifukube - Attack of Super X IIInot rated3:00
27. Akira Ifukube - Mesa Tank Super Freeze Attacknot rated1:55
28. Akira Ifukube - Requiemnot rated3:49
29. Akira Ifukube - Ending Titlenot rated2:48
30. Neil Norman - Monster Zero Marchnot rated3:04

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