Cyril Morin
Syrian Bride

Cyril Morin - Syrian Bride

  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 43:32
  • ****
  • Added November 14, 2009
  • Played November 14, 2009
  • Rated November 14, 2009


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2. Bulgarian Symphony Orchestra - Bride Themenot rated4:08
3. Bulgarian Symphony Orchestra - Majdal Sham's Morning (Introdnot rated2:06
4. Bulgarian Symphony Orchestra - Life Is Goodnot rated1:30
5. Bulgarian Symphony Orchestra - Two Sistersnot rated2:19
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8. Bulgarian Symphony Orchestra - Mona Is Leaving Home Todaynot rated1:24
9. Bulgarian Symphony Orchestra - Wedding Feastnot rated2:25
10. Bulgarian Symphony Orchestra - Close To The Endnot rated2:07
11. Bulgarian Symphony Orchestra - The Bride's Decisionnot rated2:42
12. Bulgarian Symphony Orchestra - Bride Theme - Conclusionnot rated2:24
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16. Bulgarian Symphony Orchestra - Hattem's Themenot rated1:42
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18. Bulgarian Symphony Orchestra - The Dreamnot rated2:18
19. Clara Khoury & Dirar Sliman - Be My Bridenot rated4:03
20. Nadia Lekaf - The Wedding Convoy Songnot rated4:10

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