Ben Foster
Torchwood Children of Earth

Ben Foster - Torchwood Children of Earth

  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 1:18:02
  • *****
  • Added August 8, 2009
  • Played August 8, 2009
  • Rated August 8, 2009


1. Torchwood - Children of Earth - 01 - The First Sacrificenot rated1:26
2. Torchwood - Children of Earth - 02 - What's Occurringnot rated2:11
3. Torchwood - Children of Earth - 03 - Jack's Daughternot rated1:29
4. Torchwood - Children of Earth - 04 - Diplomatic Carsnot rated1:21
5. Torchwood - Children of Earth - 05 - We Are Comingnot rated1:13
6. Torchwood - Children of Earth - 06 - Thames Housenot rated1:54
7. Torchwood - Children of Earth - 07 - Double Crossednot rated1:27
8. Torchwood - Children of Earth - 08 - Countdown To Destructionnot rated1:53
9. Torchwood - Children of Earth - 09 - The Craternot rated1:01
10. Torchwood - Children of Earth - 10 - Torchwood Huntednot rated1:43
11. Torchwood - Children of Earth - 11 - Gwen's Babynot rated1:04
12. Torchwood - Children of Earth - 12 - On The Runnot rated1:14
13. Torchwood - Children of Earth - 13 - Jack In A Boxnot rated1:35
14. Torchwood - Children of Earth - 14 - Ianto Jonesnot rated0:51
15. Torchwood - Children of Earth - 15 - Tractor Attacknot rated2:22
16. Torchwood - Children of Earth - 16 - Resurrectionnot rated1:12
17. Torchwood - Children of Earth - 17 - Clement MacDonaldnot rated2:06
18. Torchwood - Children of Earth - 18 - Something's Comingnot rated2:36
19. Torchwood - Children of Earth - 19 - Eye Spynot rated1:21
20. Torchwood - Children of Earth - 20 - Trust Nobodynot rated1:47
21. Torchwood - Children of Earth - 21 - The World Looks To The Skiesnot rated2:11
22. Torchwood - Children of Earth - 22 - Jack's Secretnot rated1:37
23. Torchwood - Children of Earth - 23 - Clem Remembersnot rated1:36
24. Torchwood - Children of Earth - 24 - Judgement Daynot rated4:05
25. Torchwood - Children of Earth - 25 - Requiem For The Fallennot rated1:24
26. Torchwood - Children of Earth - 26 - The Ballad Of Ianto Jonesnot rated4:37
27. Torchwood - Children of Earth - 27 - The Final Daynot rated0:42
28. Torchwood - Children of Earth - 28 - Calm Before The Stormnot rated3:23
29. Torchwood - Children of Earth - 29 - Phase Two Has Begunnot rated1:51
30. Torchwood - Children of Earth - 30 - Requisition 31not rated2:39
31. Torchwood - Children of Earth - 31 - He Was A Good Mannot rated1:40
32. Torchwood - Children of Earth - 32 - The Children of Earthnot rated3:28
33. Torchwood - Children of Earth - 33 - Breaking The Connectionnot rated2:26
34. Torchwood - Children of Earth - 34 - Fighting Backnot rated2:03
35. Torchwood - Children of Earth - 35 - Run For Your Livesnot rated1:14
36. Torchwood - Children of Earth - 36 - Sacrifice and Salvationnot rated1:40
37. Torchwood - Children of Earth - 37 - Redemptionnot rated3:14
38. Torchwood - Children of Earth - 38 - I Can Run Forevernot rated3:29
39. Torchwood - Children of Earth - 39 - Here Comes Torchwoodnot rated2:25
40. Torchwood - Children of Earth - 40 - Next Time On Torchwoodnot rated0:32

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