Ron Jones
Star Trek: Starfleet Academy

Ron Jones - Star Trek: Starfleet Academy

  • Release date: 1997
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 46:41
  • *** 1/2
  • Added August 8, 2009
  • Played August 8, 2009
  • Rated August 8, 2009


1. Star Trek: Starfleet Academy Themenot rated4:07
2. Surroundednot rated2:22
3. Evasive Manoeuvresnot rated2:22
4. Exploring the Unknownnot rated1:57
5. On the Edgenot rated2:50
6. Crew Introductionnot rated1:51
7. Red Alertnot rated2:50
8. On to Victorynot rated2:22
9. Discoverynot rated1:59
10. No Way Outnot rated2:22
11. Brian Luzietti - To Stop the Vanguardnot rated3:42
12. Brian Luzietti - Personal Problemsnot rated0:40
13. Brian Luzietti - Romulan Suicidenot rated1:05
14. Brian Luzietti - Kirk's Briefingnot rated1:19
15. Brian Luzietti - Venturi Suitenot rated3:03
16. Brian Luzietti - Sneaking Instinctsnot rated1:21
17. Brian Luzietti - The Vanguard's Plansnot rated1:36
18. Brian Luzietti - Log: Looking Grimnot rated1:04
19. Brian Luzietti - Log: Mission Accomplishednot rated1:04
20. Brian Luzietti - Log: Situation Normalnot rated1:05
21. Brian Luzietti - Thoughts Before the Briefingnot rated1:39
22. Brian Luzietti - Forester: Captain of the Enterprisenot rated4:01

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