May It Be (Extended B-sides Version)

Enya - May It Be (Extended B-sides Version)

  • Release date: 2002
  • Genre: New Age
  • Format: MP3
  • Category: newage
  • Duration: 1:19:41
  • *** 1/2
  • Added August 23, 2009
  • Played August 23, 2009
  • Rated August 23, 2009


1. May It Benot rated4:14
2. The Council Of Elrondnot rated3:43
3. Isobellanot rated4:25
4. Wild Childnot rated3:45
5. Tempus Vernumnot rated2:24
6. Flora's Secretnot rated4:02
7. Silver Inchesnot rated1:32
8. One By Onenot rated3:48
9. Lazy Daysnot rated3:36
10. The First Of Autumnnot rated3:03
11. Pilgrimnot rated3:07
12. Fallen Embersnot rated2:25
13. Deora Ar Mo Chroinot rated2:43
14. Only Timenot rated3:34
15. A Day Without Rainnot rated2:33
16. Shepherd Moonsnot rated2:58
17. Orinoco Flownot rated4:24
18. Caribbean Bluenot rated3:53
19. Cursum Perficionot rated4:05
20. Lothloriennot rated2:05
21. The Celtsnot rated2:53
22. Once You Had Goldnot rated3:12
23. Fairytalenot rated3:01
24. Exilenot rated4:16

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